"Since the dawn of time man has striven to create, design and build ever more innovative machines. From the invention of the wheel, around the 4th millennia BC, to the Industrial Revolution of 19th century Britain and through to today’s incredible computerised machines, engineering continues to move forward into previously unknown realms.
Engineering has seen outstanding advances in the last century, Frank Whittles' development of the jet engine in the 1930’s revolutionised air travel and we now regularly send astronauts into space. All of this can be attributed to the creative genius employed by the modern-day engineer.
Here at Rotec we hold a firm belief in the future of British engineering. As a company we are obligated to remain at the forefront of manufacturing technology and invest in continued R&D in order to maintain our competitive edge over global competition.
We also have a passionate belief in the ‘spirit of engineering’ which is inherent, but often unrecognised, for many young people in today’s curriculum. As such, our apprentice programme is a great success and we believe that with the correct education and discipline we can inspire our students to discover the true meaning of the word engineer - ingenious man.”
Rotec Aerospace Limited, Enterprise Way, Vale Business Park, Evesham WR11 1GS United Kingdom
Phone: 01386 424111
Email: Info@rotec-ltd.com
Office Hours :
Mon-Fri : 7:30am - 5pm